
  • Challenge Fuerteventura
  • Challenge Fuerteventura
  • Challenge Fuerteventura
  • Challenge Fuerteventura
  • Challenge Fuerteventura

Registration fee


Until 31/10/2014.........................170€
Cancellation insurance..................20€   

Until 31/12/2015.........................180€
Cancellation insurance.................20€

Until 20/04/2015.........................200€
Cancellation insurance..................20€

Relays teams

Untill 31/12/2014.........................220€
Cancellation insurance..................20€

Until 20/04/2014..........................250€
Cancellation insurance...................20€

Required to show your tri license, otherwise you will have to pay 10 € for one day license.


75% until  31/12/2014

El 50% until  01/04/2015

With cancellation insurance you cab get your 100% money back until 20/04/2015